If you are experiencing issues with one of our games, we highly recommend you download and install the latest driver software for your system. This will ensure you have the latest bug fixes and performance optimizations for your system.
Display Drivers
Display drivers are updated on a monthly or quarterly basis by video card manufacturers. You should always have the latest versions installed to ensure optimal performance.
We also highly recommend choosing to do a "clean install" during installation, which will reset your driver settings to defaults and prevent old or corrupt settings from previous installations from causing problems.
Audio Drivers
Audio drivers can sometimes cause crashes or sound-related bugs and glitches in games. We recommend updating these periodically, even if you don't experience problems specifically with sound or audio in a game.
Redistributable Updates
If you are on Windows, Microsoft periodically updates the DirectX and Visual C++ software runtimes. We recommend checking for and installing available updates for these if you run into any issues while gaming.